I am an artist. I work in many, many media, some of which I came up with myself, and some with millennia long traditions. Much of my work is inspired by the natural environment and the materials used by my indigenous ancestors. (Potawatomi)

I am particularly drawn to 3-D, sculptural pursuits, but I also find my muse in 2-D media, just less often. I love fiber arts & textile design, copper work and other metal forming, drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, jewelry, recycled art, basketry of all sorts, stone carving & sculpture, found art assemblages, mosaics, land art, and probably a few more I have forgotten. I also geek out over art history, and helping people find ways to express their unique voices.

I was born in the south then was transplanted to the north in pre-adolescence. I have lived in the Driftless region of Wisconsin for more than 20 years. My family and I settled in this area on the cusp of the new millennium. Before that I bopped around the world, working and "Arting" in Europe and Asia. I came back to North America with a husband and daughter, then added a son when we settled back here in the Midwest.

I have a studio art bachelor's degree and a master’s in education. From September to June, I teach big and little people in schools. Between June and September I teach more, but in Folk Schools and circles of learners that are less formal than traditional school. For decades I have taught all sorts of skills to every age group from babies to grandparents. I really enjoy helping people find ways to express their innate creativity. I jokingly call myself a Midwife to Art, birthing a great deal of it myself, but also helping others find their own paths to self expression.